If you’re unsure if you’d be happy to live the life of a model or whether it’s something that’s not for you, we’ve compiled a list of pros and cons to help you reach your choice.

The disadvantages to modelling include:

  • Not being paid a lot of money at first.
  • You could be out of work for a few weeks, which would significantly reduce your finances.
  • You will have to eat constantly in order to stay lean and balanced, yet you still have to work out, which is a disadvantage if you dislike exercising.
  • The majority of the job entails working long hours, standing for long periods of time, and posing for photographs every day.
  • Depending on the work and how much you are required, it can become tedious and exhausting;
  • On a movie camera, you can spend all day and just film the scene for an hour.


The benefits of modelling include:

  • Being able to work in fashion and cosmetics.
  • You have the opportunity to meet many fascinating people;
  • You have the potential to become popular and globally known.
  • You have the potential to make a lot of money if you work hard.
  • You have the opportunity to be the first to rock fabulous designer dresses, shoes, and accessories.
  •  You can hire a fitness trainer and a dietician to help you stay in shape;
  • You can pursue a career doing things you enjoy.